How to improve at starcraft 2
How to improve at starcraft 2

how to improve at starcraft 2

If your macro slips because you are busy stutter stepping (which you really can't do while macroing), the value gained probably isn't worth it. Hotkeying the tumor really makes a difference and reminds me to do it.Īnyways, advanced micro is just something that adds value to your units. For example, as Zerg in earlier game, my hotkeys are 1&2: units, 3: Creep tumor(rebound after each jump), 4: Hatches, 5: Queens, 6: Overseer, 7+ whatever, switching 3 to units when necessary. Setting up hotkeys for units is really more personal preference, but you can get a lot of value by assigning hotkeys to a few new things. (It also helps macro once you hit multiple bases)Īs far as the hotkey thing, first remember that it's super important to NEVER use the mouse for abilities or building, just memorize the keys. It may seem to focus on a fairly minor trick, but you learn how to look at action while keeping up macro. The best way to do that I think is to use the multi tasking trainer tzenes posted. Not sure which league you're in, but since you talked about hotkey setup, I'm thinking the problem is more effective APM than micro. Half the 1000-1500 Diamond players are just players who know one build and execute it well. I realize you believe your Micro is lacking (and you may be right), but nothing is more important to the amateur player than Execution. Don't count on supply as a good measure for these things, use YABOT. The best thing you can use this for is knowing when to build which buildings in your BO. A lot of Diamond players only know simple builds like 4 Gate, 3 Rax, etc, and have just honed their execution on this map. If you're build is 3 Rax, this map is how you learn how to get the most efficient 3 Rax.

  • YABOT: Always a good way to improve the execution of your builds.
  • I also like to use this one to practice my Marine Micro vs Banelings.
  • Unit Tester: While you can use this to emphasize your micro and how to engage, the thing this does best is help you understand how strong an enemy army is.
  • It also features a Mineral Cap to help with your Macro, while you Micro
  • Multi Tasking Trainer: Despite its name this map is designed to teach you how to keep your early scout alive in your opponents base.
  • QXC's Stutter Step: Ever notice how the Pros seem to attack and move at the same time? This map is designed to teach you that technique.
  • However, certain techniques can be practiced on specialized maps and here are some of them: There is no substitute for actually playing games no better way to learn Micro no better way to learn Macro.

    How to improve at starcraft 2