Wolfenstein house of the rising sun
Wolfenstein house of the rising sun

I was not a fan of the suit in TNC but I thought it was necessary for the story. They could've made special abilities for each sister, Sof could've had ramshackles and Jess could've had battlewalkers, but they decided to go with supersuits. I felt that the suits the girls wore was a lazy move on the developer's side. Give us back the contraptions and take away the iron man suits. A legit pvp mp should also be on the list but drop the suits that the girls wear make more contraptions for the mp that aren't in the campaign. I also want a coop horde mode, kinda like firefight in halo but with Machine Games' spin on it, maybe with cutscenes and flushed out characters, basically what they brought to TNO but for a coop mode. I would like to see a flashbacks to WW2 but with the Japanese and how the Nazis overthrew them, Japan would give us a new location to explore and an opportunity to learn about the pacific theater in the Wolf universe.

Wolfenstein house of the rising sun